Powerful 30 Days Prayer to St Joseph

We offer you the prayer to St. Joseph to recite it for 30 days in a row in honor of the 30 years that, according to pious belief, the Patriarch St. Joseph lived with Jesus and Mary.

We offer you the prayer to St. Joseph to recite it for 30 days in a row in honor of the 30 years that, according to pious belief, the Patriarch St. Joseph lived with Jesus and Mary.

Forever blessed and glorious Patriarch St. Joseph of the Mountain, kind and indulgent Father and compassionate friend of all who suffers For that bitter your heart was pierced when you considered the sufferings of the Lord.

Infant and in the prophetic vision you contemplated his most ignominious passion and death, I beseech thee have mercy on my poverty and need; counsel me in mine doubts and comfort me in all my anxieties.

You are the good Father and Protector of the orphans, the advocate of the helpless and the pattern of those in need and distress. Do not neglect, therefore, the plea of my sins have brought upon me the righteous indignation of my God and therefore I’m surrounded by afflictions.

To you, O loving protector of the poor and humble family of Nazareth; to you, I have recourse.asking for protection and protection! Listen to me, then, and listen to a father’s request for protection. ardent supplication of a son and obtain for me the object of my desire.

I Beg You:

By the infinite mercy of the Eternal Son of God who induced him to take our life. nature and be born in this valley of tears.

For that pain and affliction that inundated your heart when ignoring the worked mystery in your Immaculate Wife, you resolved to separate yourself from Her. Because of that tiredness, solicitude, and suffering that you suffered when you searched in vain a place in Bethlehem to give birth to the Holy Virgin and not finding it, you saw in the need to look for a stable where the Redeemer of the world was born.

For the pain, you had in witnessing the painful outpouring of the precious blood on the circumcision. By the sweetness and power of the sacred name of Jesus that you imposed on the adored one, Because of that mortal anguish, you experienced when you heard the prophecy of the Holy Simeon in which announced that the Child Jesus and his Blessed Mother would be the future victims of his great love for us sinners.

For the sorrow and affliction that inundated your soul when the angel declared to you that his love for us sinners was great. enemies were looking for the Child Jesus to kill him, seeing you forced to flee to Egypt with him and his Blessed Mother.

I Beg You:

For all the sorrows, fatigues, and works that you suffered in this long and painful journey. For all the pains that you suffered in Egypt on some occasions when, despite your job, you couldn’t provide food to your poor family for all the care. In preserving the Divine Child and His Immaculate Mother during the second journey, when you received the order to return to your home country.

For the peaceful life, you had in Nazareth mixed with so many joys and sorrows. For your extreme affliction in being three days deprived of the company of the adorable Child. For the joy you had, when you found it in the temple, and for the inexplicable consolation that you felt in the little house of Nazareth, living with the Divine Child.

For that marvelous submission in being subject to your will. For that pain that you felt continually remembering everything that the Child Jesus was to suffer when you weren’t by his side.

For that contemplation in which you considered that those feet and hands, now so active in serving you, they would one day be pierced by cruel nails; that one head, which rested peacefully on your chest, was to be crowned with sharp thorns; that delicate body, which you tenderly held in your lap and held it in place. he would be scourged, mistreated, and nailed to a cross.

I Beg You:

For that heroic sacrifice of your will and better affections, for which you offered to the Eternal Father the last and terrible instant in which the Man-God was to expire for a long time. our salvation. For the perfect love and conformity with which you received the divine ordination to depart from God.

This world of the company of Jesus and Mary For the great joy that flooded your soul when the Redeemer of the world triumphing from death and hell, entered into the possession of his kingdom leading you to glory, with special honors.

For the glorious Assumption of Mary Most Holy and for that ineffable beatitude which to Her will derive eternally from the presence of God. O most loving Father! I beseech you for all sufferings, afflictions, and joys. to hear me and obtain the favor of my fiery supplications.

(Here is the favor you want to achieve)

I beg you also, on behalf of all those who entrust themselves to my prayers that you may grant them what suits them best according to the designs of the Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Finally, my beloved protector and father St. Joseph of the Mountain, be auspicious to us in the last moments of our life, so that we may sing eternally yours praise along with that of Jesus and Mary. Amen.


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