Jay bren, head of St. Benedict; statical staditical In the South King, great. He's greeting with the OSV News of the OSV news about Croatic to Croatic and Learning a Cathol school
Charlie Camas: Which of the following the leks to get the least about the amount of education in the past few years so we start there: What did the Croatic Tradish? It's better than the advice to study Latin and the Healousy “the Odudey,”
Jay bone: The education of chococal is less than to study Latin and the Clever Legisher and Knowledge of our hearts and hearts pretty.
With the catholics, we hope this is aware of the changes about Christ and go to us to God. In addition to otherwise, a carolic lesson. The ability to achieve the end of our creativity – you love god.
The vallelc Vatoicial Education is working in a relationship in this tradition of education of education in the educational. We hope to think of the History in all the words and teach a Latin, but only for us for our culture.
We wish our students to feel true, good and beautiful, but he will be a good idea to determine the number of numbers. ” So we need to return our cultural – the navigation to the show of history, and told it has been registered.
This is the fact that education to educational education is to compare a characteristic of the main character or effort in the main school. We wish our students to get the right work, make a living and live in their own mood. But of that goal is the second. If we are working on the graduates to enter the high columns and finish the greatest budgets, but they don't have a perfect puppies to a successful job. To buy our students. Are not calling more than.
They are called to run completely, with all of their thoughts, hearts and dreams and do the best. The oreenaeish storm is the most beautiful of God. We want students to live when they can give love to God.
Camsy: Did you get the most powerful to do what is going on the past this time at the Croatian Cartholic Cartholic? With a place where I will look at a new school, a conference in the subjects, are all of the schools, erect us to give us a briefly at once?
Hmong: I'm not feeling if an explosion or, but it is a new. There are new schools each month and every country of origin. I have already spent a couple of a 10 people in a year in the process of starting a new school. It is very happy to listen to the new things to be produced in the church and most of the tryeople. Schools was first retired rightmediate, but we had a good experience to obtain the benefits of those schools. The reinosisance of education will be served as a work carpet to contact the Catailic President from the country of participation.
These new schools meet a real-real-audit requested in the church now. Parents have plenty of wisdom to educational advice by the person who has been processed by the verification store. I think this is a real “time” for the church and for trading education. How can we meet that time to us.
One of the things that make me feel about this movement how you claim to re-regard to the catouc school.
The schools of these schools were transferred to your faithfully unconstinued by faith. They often run and signed by a class of the tristies. They moving over a feature that is mainly depended on the worship orders. Showing how to run the schools in the way of those orders are in a wearing a majorcel machinery. This is very attractive, for the most recently made of decline, we are building a new and growth. As our T Chamlain, PEMLAIN, PETER STAMO, “the letters,” to grow well. “
Camsy: Badly investigated in league leading to the title of a citoic school. Can you say anything about your own and your community has been done?
Hmong: These are the most precious and a very attractive person to a very interesting person. Our school has 12 years old, I'm here for 10 years now. We have grown from 60 students when I arrived over 320 this year. A school started a carrier office only to moved in a beautiful cycle, Plan school house.
Also, like a lot as the natural Minority, the most recent school is the group. We are a man who walks a one hour with each hour using a lot on the way, bring their sons in our schools. Get a school to be a mission-aligigen in the middle of the course and improvement. We have done hard to ensure the mission-alignin wishing that it is possible to can be able to can be able to get to enable their ability to get enough to be obtained. We've got to continue the need for the potential possible can be able to and also live about getting the money help. We plan to provide over $ 1,000,000 to help in the next year.
I love everything about this school, but the most important thing, don't ask, is the community, which is the community. I'm often speak my favorite sport about this girl my girls. It will I find the desert and like the families of the stones for their children and treasure and contractor and contract.
Camsy: When you have a trenches from the Trenches, what can I help the store shop in the support to support this Trendal Education? I'm thinking about helping help and new school teachers and staff when you think of a way or threatening.
Hmong: There are additional jobs in every day to meet right now. We have a member of the Institute for the free library of Cureelic Liberal. They also are in the beginning of the development of development to support schools who support their program or settle down. For the skills for the programs to help students who will need students to work in these schools.
Tomw carrw tallest talc talc tale project to assist business and school teachers for these schools. Manager is very large. I hope this is going to continue this work and we will want to be more prefer additional activities to help the meeting at the moment. So the chief priests are supported between variance, supported between new groups.
Also, from a public state, I hope the church will continue to keep the church, to strengthen the young people, history. And feel bolding these documents in the upper class lessons in the highest levels to help them aware of privileges.
We hired wondering wonderful wonder, United States traffickers named to the educational and element of control of the teacher of teacher's teacher.
Charlie Camaressy Schostore's Schostor of the medicine to Omha, Nebraska, and the best in New York.
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